
M-Player plugin is a premium HTML5 Video Player software which is compatible with all themes owned by mytubepress.com and its a great solution if you want to use in-stream video advertisements.
The most asked question is what is M-player and how can I use it?
Wordpress has a video player by default, our plugin will replace it with the fluidplayer and gives you possibility to use modern advertisement options.Usage is so easy because m-player has an advanced settings panel where you can customize and change some colors using color picker.
In the future we will add more video players to this plugin.
This plugin doesn’t work with other themes, working only with themes owned by mytubepress.com
HTML5 responsive and mobile friendly video player.
In-stream Video AD
HTML5 responsive and mobile friendly video player.
Free Support
This plugin includes basic support on errors, installation and usage guides.
An awesome customization panel to upload player logo or change player accent color.
Easy Upgrades
You can update m-player like all other wordpress plugins with just one click from your dashboard.
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