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  5. Video – Backend

Video – Backend

When WordPress is running with Popcorn the posts menu in dashboard changes to Videos because the default post type ‘post’ is used for the video gallery. POPCORN has the gutenberg editor disabled and its using classic editor instead, since it is not necessary for a video tube site.

  1. Go to WP Dashboard -> Videos -> Add New Video
  2. Write a Video title
  3. Choose a video type, Iframe, Link or Video file and use one of them by adding any url, iframe or uploading a video file. You can use only one option.
  4. Fill the fields such as video duration, sponsor etc. if you wish can add also a specific ad banner code for each post.
  5. You can add multiple images or instead you can use the default wordpress featured image on the right side.
  6. Add Category, Tag or Model and click on publish button.


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