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Paid Memberships Pro

Paid Memberships Pro (PMPRO) should work out of the box with all WordPress themes but when you use it with a video tube theme like ZOZOPLAY you can have an advanced content restricted website.

Once PMPRO is installed and activated you can start generating required pages and creating the memberships plans with your own parameters.

By default PMPRO will hide the video thumbnail from archives if you attach the post to any membership plan, so you have to change an option in your Dashboard -> Memberships -> Settings -> Advanced -> Content Settings

Change: Yes – Only members will see restricted posts/pages in searches and archives.

to: No – Non-members will see restricted posts/pages in searches and archives.

at the end of the same page in Advanced settings you will see Other Settings, will work with theme ads spots as well.

Additionally when you post a video there is a new field called Video Trailer, video file uploaded in this option will appear to non-members instead of content with the join url that redirects to levels page.

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